‘Angels of Mercy’ Painting and Poem

Hookers are angels of mercy,
They actually talk to me,
When I have the money,
Albeit paid for,
But, they give affection, aplenty.

A halo around their head,
Even when I’m looks-challenged,
They take me to bed,
And no foul words are said,
No foul words exchanged,
For this there’s a lot to be said.

A boon to incel men,
Acting as a nuturer, a Mother Hen,
To the sexually rejected and unfortunate,
Without fear of rejection, they can come back again,
Alternative to repression, for incels and marcels,
Glad they have this outlet.

So thank you, angels of mercy,
Risking your lives, to help those living in sexual poverty,
I am one too you see,
You don’t know what this means to us,
Or how much, it means to me!


Erotic social justice poem about hookers being a viable outlet for incel men.

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